Journalism Minor

Journalism Textbooks

Are you interested in developing your journalistic skills while pursuing a major other than Communication? Regardless of your major, the Journalism minor provides you with opportunities to develop your written and oral communication skills, explore your values, and acquire techniques of insight and critical reasoning.


The Journalism minor complements any major by providing you with the foundations of good and effective communication and the understanding of the world of journalism. If you decide to pursue graduate studies, the Journalism minor will also serve you well as a strong framework in any number of fields of study.

Additionally, the skills you will hone as a Journalism minor — self-knowledge, interpersonal communication, social interaction, presentation of self, personal discipline, risk-taking, cooperative group effort, sensitivity to others, and more — are important to any career or graduate school application.

Courses and Degree Requirements

In general, if you are a Journalism minor, you are required to earn a minimum of 30 credits in Communication (20 credits in core journalism courses and 5 credits in electives), with a minimum of 15 upper-division credits. You are also required to earn a minimum of 5 Student Media/Internship credits. Students majoring in Communication may not pursue a minor within the department.

View the Journalism minor requirements.

Entering the Minor

You may enter the minor during your first quarter at SPU. Entrance after your first quarter requires only good academic standing (2.0 or higher SPU cumulative GPA). Consult the Undergraduate Catalog for complete information on how and when to enter and what you must do to complete the program.   

Faculty Contact

Peg Achterman

Associate Professor of Communication; Chair of the Communication Department
PhD, University of Washington

Phone: 206-281-2685
Office: Marston 209

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